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Taste Masking

Protein, Plant Extract, Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Taste masking increases the palatability of bitter actives such as pharmaceuticals and polyphenols. The Progel technology has been proven in animal models using Bitter Drug A, which is usually administered in animal feed. Bitter Drug A was encapsulated in Progel’s alginate microgels with farm trials being conducted across two […]

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Gastric Protection

Proteins, Plant Extracts, Enzymes & Probiotics Protecting an active during the transition through the stomach is crucial to maximise absorption in the lower intestines. The highly acidic environment coupled with presence of digestive enzymes act together to deactivate actives. Not only are protected actives able to retain their structure (proteins) or activity (enzymes), they are […]

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Enhanced Probiotic Viability

Probiotics are fastidious organisms that are sensitive to their environment. Encapsulation significantly improves the viability of probiotics in both acidic dairy and non-dairy food products such as yoghurt, protein drinks, milks and fruit juices over the product shelf life. Furthermore, in-vitro experiments show that encapsulation improves the viability of probiotics in simulated stomach conditions, allowing […]

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Controlled Intestinal Release

Proteins, Plant Extracts, Enzymes, Lipids, Pharmaceuticals & Probiotics In response to elevated pH conditions, similar to intestinal conditions, the alginate microgels swells and starts to disintegrate. This initiates the release of active from within the microgels. How quickly the contents are released can be modulated by the concentration of calcium used to gel the microgels. […]

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