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Enhanced Probiotic Viability

Probiotics are fastidious organisms that are sensitive to their environment. Encapsulation significantly improves the viability of probiotics in both acidic dairy and non-dairy food products such as yoghurt, protein drinks, milks and fruit juices over the product shelf life. Furthermore, in-vitro experiments show that encapsulation improves the viability of probiotics in simulated stomach conditions, allowing targeted release into the gut..

Progel encapsulated probiotics has been proven in food products. Launched in 2016, PERKii utilises this technology in its probiotic beverages to shield the Lactobacillus Casei and Bifidobacterium strains, prolonging their survivability in the drink and enabling the targeted release of these microorganisms in the gut. The micron sized microgels prevent fermentation and are tasteless, allowing PERKii to deliver these beneficial live organisms in a fruit-flavoured, non-dairy, lactose, gluten and added sugar free carrier.